Monday, February 17, 2025

Top 5 This Week

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Have you ever forgotten your keys and found yourself locked out? You might have been able to call a locksmith, but their services can be costly. Luckily, you can unlock a lock with no key in five simple ways. These methods will only work with deadbolt locks or other types of locks that use a keyhole. If you have a lock that uses a keypad or card, you can call an electronic locksmith to help you unlock your door.

Required Things

To unlock a house lock without using a key, you will need

  • A thin tool like a credit card or a paper clip
  • A thick, sturdy piece of plastic like a ruler or a library card
  • A heavy flat object like a book
  • Duct tape

1. The paper clip and the library card trick

If you are locked out of the house then it is best to call a lockout services company but if you don’t have enough time then try this trick. Insert the paperclip into the keyhole of your house lock, and align it with the latch that keeps your door locked. Push down on the latch and push in the paperclip to unlock completely. Make sure you obtain a sturdy paper clip, as a normal paper clip may not be strong enough to push down the latch.

2. The credit card trick

Insert your library or credit card between the door and the door jam, and move it around the frame of your house lock to release any obstructions that might be keeping the door locked. Make sure your card is sturdy enough to push back the obstruction, but not so thick that it cannot fit between your door and the door jam. If this thing works fine then ok but if doesn’t then lock change can be a solution by hiring a professional residential locksmith.

3. The plastic trick

Place a piece of sturdy plastic over the hole where you would insert a key, and carefully hit it with a flat heavy object such as a book. Your house lock will unlock. Make sure the plastic is wide and long enough to cover the hole.

4. The tape trick

Duct tape a heavy flat object such as a book, ruler, or library card onto the end of your house lock on your door, so that when you hit it with another object (in this case, a hammer), it will not leave a dent or a hole in your wall. Make sure the object is wide and long enough to cover the entire top of whatever you are hitting it with, to avoid any damage to your house.

5. The hairpin trick

Gather two long straight pins (such as hairpins) and tie them together at their tips using a piece of string, so that they form a makeshift key. Insert the pin into your house lock and push it down on the mechanism in your door to unlock it. Make sure both pins are long enough to push down the latch in your door.

I hope that one of the above-mentioned tricks will open the door lock without using a key, if no success then you have to call a locksmith to unlock it.


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